
Impressionist is a JavaScript library for scraping data from the web in less time and without headaches. The library works on top of Puppeteer, adding ergonomic scraping syntax to Puppeteer's powerful browser automation features. Impressionist reduces distractions and errors with an elegant query syntax while simplifying maintaining context with a tree structure. Moving the repetitive minutia of interacting with the DOM and web behind the scenes so developers can focus on the problem domain.

There are several solutions that provide browser automation such as Playwright, Selenium, Cypress, etc. All of them are focused on test automation and not on data extraction. The purpose of Impressionist is to optimize for data extraction and it happens to use Puppeteer for browser automation, but could use another solution.

What you can get from Impressionist:

  • 70% less of code lines.

  • Saves up to 70% of the time.

  • Increase code readability, making it easier to maintain the scrapers.

  • Focus on scraping, not on configurations.

Simple Example

Next, we will see a simple example of how to create a scraper using only Puppeteer. Then we will create a scraper using Impressionist. With these examples, we will highlight the benefits of using Impressionist.

Using Puppeteer

In this example, we can notice all the necessary configurations to use Puppeteer. The code to be executed in the browser context (code inside the page.evaluate block) is extensive due to the DOM element checks, error handling, and default values.

import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';

(async () => {
  // Browser configuration
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

  // Page configuration
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  // Navigate
  await page.goto('');

  const result = await page.evaluate(() => { // page.evaluate enables execute code in Browser Context

    function getName() { // Requires the extraction of the name.
      const nameSelector = document.querySelector('h1');

      if(nameSelector) {
        return nameSelector.innerText;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Cannot find an element that match selector h1');


    function getDescription() { // Requires the extraction of the description outerHTML property.
      const descriptionSelector = document.querySelector('.overview > p');

      if(descriptionSelector) {
        return descriptionSelector.outerHTML;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Cannot find an element that match selector .overview > p');


    function getRating() { // If DOM element does not exist, return a default value.
      const ratingSelector = document.querySelector('.rating > span');

      if(ratingSelector) {
        return ratingSelector.innertext;
      } else {
        return '0';


    return { name: getName(), description: getDescription(), rating: getRating() };


  await browser.close();


Using Impressionist

Impressionist has predefined Puppeteer settings that let you focus on the scraping work instead of complicating with configurations of the browser and pages. The code to be executed in the browser context is organized in such a way that it is easy to know what data we are extracting.

import Impressionist from 'impressionist';

Impressionist.execute('', async (browser, page) => {
  const result = await page.evaluate( async() => {
      return await collector({
          name: 'h1',
          description: '.overview > p{outerHTML}',
          rating: select('rating > span').default('0')


The use of Impressionist is very ergonomic and configurable. For example, in the "name" query, the innerText of the h1 element is being extracted by just specifying its CSS selector. This is a default behavior of Impressionist since the innerText of an element is the most used property in scrapers. However, this is not to say that you cannot use Impressionist to extract some other property. As you can see in the query for "description", after specifying the selector we can add curly braces to specify the property that we want to extract from that element, which, in this example, is outerHTML.

By default, all queries are required, this means that if a selector does not match any element in the DOM then an error will be thrown, however you can change this and get a default value. For a better explanation, let's say you are scraping a provider website which every product has a rating based on the users' feedback. Most of the products have already reviews so the page displays what its rating is, but, what happens to those products that haven't received a review yet, in some cases, even the rating section is not displayed. So, if we run the scraper against those product's pages there will be an error. However, the CSS selector is right, just that page doesn't have reviews, the rating should be '0'. That's why in the example that you see above we are using the select() selector to extend the Impressionist functionality. With this selector, we can configure and manipulate the output of the scraper. In this case, we are specifying that if the CSS selector that we set for rating is not found(there is no ratings) then return a '0' value, which is the right data that we expect to have.

Impressionist has many other features that we will be discussing in the next few pages. At the moment, it is very clear how Impressionist saves time building scrapers by eliminating the need to write repetitive code and providing the user with functionalities that have been tested by developers who are dedicated to building scrapers.

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